March 12, 2025

Dear Pauoa Ohana,

Once again, I am informing you of some changes to our plans and reminders of upcoming events.  Also there is a correction to Acellus training for parents who are full distance learning.  It is on Thursday, Aug. 20 at 10 am and 1 pm.  The previous blast didn’t reflect this change.  

1.  Ohana training days:

I am canceling the face to face Ohana Training days for Aug. 17-20.  There will be no face to face training for students.  We will be doing a drive by for all students, blended learning and full distance learning students on Tuesday, Aug. 18 and Wednesday, Aug. 19 from 8-10 am and 1-3 pm.  During this drive by, you will receive your child’s chromebook, student placard, device agreement form, textbooks and planner.  For full distance learners (signed opt in form), these students will receive their chromebooks, device agreement and student placard.  Students will be accessing their work online through Acellus and iReady, therefore, no textbooks and planner are needed.  Tuesday, Aug. 18 will be for grades. 3-5 and siblings and Aug. 19 will be for grades K-2 and siblings.  See link for locations for each grade level.  Be aware that you will be receiving an email from your child’s classroom teacher regarding any virtual meeting or information to go over distance learning procedures.  If you choose to decline our school’s chromebook because you have a device of your own, that is perfectly fine.  However, do understand that technical support will be through the Department of Education’s Ohana Help desk.  Here is the link: .  Mr. Sutherland, tech coordinator, will be our tech support for all Pauoa chromebooks.

Drive by Distribution link:

Please have a placard (xerox paper) with your child’s first and last name, grade and room number and place on your dashboard as you come to pickup your child’s things.  

2.  Breakfast and Lunch:  Will all be a drive by grab and go type.  Student lunch accounts will be scanned before the close of each business day.  We will be using a manual checklist on those receiving any breakfast or lunch each day.  Child needs to be present in the car in order to receive any breakfast or lunch.  Please have your child’s placard on the passenger side dashboard so we can identify who is in the vehicle and expedite this process as quickly as possible.  For now, you can only pickup breakfast and lunch at your child’s school only.  DOE is working to all allow you to pickup at one location.  However this is NOT available at this time.   

Breakfast will be served from 7:15-7:50 am daily except for state holidays.

Lunch will be served from 11:00-12 noon (change from handbook 8/17/2020) daily except for state holidays.  

3.  Full School Closure:  Pauoa Elementary will be on a full distance learning platform from Aug. 17-Sept. 11, 2020.  Official learning for all students will begin Aug. 24, 2020.  While on full distance learning, we will not be following any track schedule for blended learning students.  Everyday will be a school day for all students.  Blended learning students will be meeting with their teachers in some format, live or office hours, everyday.  Full distance learning students will follow iReady and Acellus program for their learning.

Blended Learning students (track A, B and C) will be managed by their classroom teacher.  All students in the blended model will be meeting everyday sometime during the school day, 8-2:15 pm M/T/Th/F and 8-1:30 pm on Wednesday.  Teachers will be having a schedule posted.  

Full distance learning students (signed opt-in form)  will be managed by Ms. Fong and Ms. Nguyen.  Students will have weekly goals of assignments to complete from iReady (one hour daily each for Math and Reading) and assigned Acellus content areas.  

4.  Full Distance learning Students (signed opt-in form) only:

Pickup of chromebooks will follow schedule above.  See number 1.  Parent webinar will now be on Thursday, Aug. 20 at 10 am or 1 pm.  Below are the links to the meeting.  Please disregard the previous links from my last Pauoa Ohana Blast.  

10:00 am Link:

Join by phone

‪(US) +1 402-695-5309‬ PIN: ‪846 178 435‬#

1 pm link:

Join by phone

‪(US) +1 662-434-4049‬ PIN: ‪480 293 124‬#


Dale Arakaki, Principal

“Believe to Achieve!  Stand up!  Be heard!  Let’s excel now!”